

Ok, soooo, we´re now in Cartagena, Colombia trying to rewind our minds back to when we last wrote, which must have been Costa Rica... Since then we´ve wound our way through Panama, sailed through the San Blas Islands, and landed in South America. Here´s some more details and a few pics...

Our first destination in Panama was Boquete, a beautiful little mountain coffee town nestled below Panama´s only volcano, from the top of which you can see both oceans. We never made it up there, due to rain, but did get to zip-line at 80 kilometers per hour (look at us using the metric system!) through the forest canopy (got to check that off the unofficial trip "to do" list). Later that day we trekked through muddy no-man´s land for about an hour in search of hot springs, which we finally found and thoroughly enjoyed...

Next we spent a couple days in Bocas Del Toro, a Caribbean island chain. It was beautiful and laid-back (said to be like little Jamaica) but again we got lots of rain and decided to cut that section short and head on to Panama City. Had a fun Halloween (aka 80´s night), checked out the city and the infamous canal, but mostly just tried to pass the time until our boat set off for the San Blas islands.... And it was incredible! Check out the pics and we´ll save the stories for later!