We made it!!! After our 24 hour journey here we were so exhausted all we could really do was find a place to eat and sleep... but after a couple days we've had a chance to soak a little in and have decided that Bali is absolutely gorgeous. (We've also soaked in a little sun- despite lots of sunscreen we are both currently a lovely shade of lobster red). It sounds so cliche to say that it looks like a postcard of tropical paradise, but that's really the first description that comes to mind! As most of you know Christian is hellbent on getting surfing down (weird, a board sport) and his enthusiasm is contagious so we both just bought our very first surf boards! His optimism is also contagious and we got pretty small boards, hence we spend a lot of time paddling... Hopefully it'll come. We both can't believe that we actually have the time to spend learning- it feels like a dream and we're just waiting to wake up! So far we've been staying in uber-touristy Kuta- I think the Aussie to Balinese ratio is about 1:1- and I'm a little anxious to get away from "spring break" kind of atmosphere, but it does make for good people watching. I love the little glimpses you do get into the locals' lives, like daily Hindu offerings of flowers and food that are put out into the street or the kids' massive beach soccer games. We'd heard before we came that the Balinese were friendly, but they've surpassed their reputation. They exude an incredible warmth and kindness, and I've never seen a group of people so quick to smile. Today Christian said "I think I figured out why their teeth are so white- they're bleached out by the sun because their always smiling." I feel like every little encounter just makes you smile too... Today we had our first adventure and we rented a little scooter, piled onto it with a surfboard and fishing pole, and headed into the madness that is the streets.