
Christmas in Bali

Merry Christmas!!! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday! It was definitely the most unique Christmas that Christian and I can remember- we ended up celebrating it in Bali with our adopted family- Marius and Eirik, our Norwegian companions for most of the past month, Hara from Sweden and Lisa also from Norway. Before I get there though, let me try to rewind a little and fill you in on the latest...

After leaving the super chill seaweed islands of Lembongan and Chinnigan, we (somewhat reluctantly) headed back to Kuta on Bali. The surfing itch had crept in while we were away and Christian was beyond eager to get back to it. While the boys were in the water I usually entertained myself on the beach, which has some incredible people-watching to offer. Topless blondes lounge next to Muslim women covered head-to-toe, some tourists take up the relentless offers for massages (I saw one couple surrounded by local women recieving a facial, back and neck massage, two manicures, two pedicures, and a henna tattoo- all at the same time), and Indonesians on holiday from other islands travel in packs down the beach requesting to have their picture taken with you and other Westerners- the bluer your eyes and the blonder your hair the better.
The Kuta scene gets to be a bit much and we wanted to explore some more of Bali, so Christian and I headed up to Ubud. I think at one point in time it was a beautiful, serene place to see the "real" Bali, but tourism has definitely found its way in (greatly assisted by "Eat, Pray, Love") and it has sort of and upscale-artsy-hippie feel to it. We did get to get out of town and took this awesome bike ride through the rice paddies that Ubud is so well-known for- even stopping to try our hand at harvesting rice!- and through some local family compounds, where Christian tried to woe the ladies (see picture). We also got to check out a coffee/fruit/spice farm and tried a bunch of different stuff, most notably Luwak, which is coffee that is roasted like normal only after the beans are eaten by a certain type of cat, fermented in its stomach and then crapped back out. Suprisingly, it's really good! Also visited the monkey forest where Christian almost got eaten by a macaque and these bold little creatures litterally walk all over you (same kind as the wallet-snatcher at Uluwatu). We've both been suffering from a little "Bali Belly" so we took advantage our great room in Ubud (usually we are more that eager to spend as little time in our room as possible, due to cockroaches, questionable stains on the sheets, nude German neigbors, etc.) This heavenly little place had it's own patio overlooking a fish pond and some rice paddies. The owner Wayan and his wife, also Wayan as all first-born kids on Bali are named Wayan, were more than gracious and kept us constantly supplied with coffee and tea. One night during one of Bali's regular power outages Wayan brought us candles and apologized for the inconvenience, but we were pretty content to sit in the dark and watch the fireflies over the rice paddies. This place even had hot water! Pure luxury I tell you.
After the peace and quiet of Ubud we headed back to Kuta for some more surfing for Christian and more beach time for me (my little accident has kept me beachside)... And that brings us to Christmas Eve! Christian and I started off the day on a hunt for the local market where we found everything we needed for our jungle juice-mangos, papaya, oranges, rambutan, mangosteen, and some super nasty rum- as well as an army of rats that must have dog or some larger mammal somehwere in their bloodline. Then the boys got one last surf session in while the girls frantically searched for our White Elephant gifts. We all met up for lunch at McDonald's -Marius and Eirik insisted on this "American" component- and splurged on full-body massages. I haven't had very many professional massages in my life, but I don't remember them being quite so thorough or involving quite as much slapping as this experience did. A little different, but still a nice indulgence! Then we all had some amazing Mexican food (go figure), shared some fiery jungle juice and exchanged our gifts by the pool. Marius, thanks again for the "Backpacker's Magic Box"! Finally we headed out to Bali's infamous clubs and somewhere around 5 in the morning reluctanlty said our goodbyes. From here on out we'll be following the boys' adventure on their blog- alchemyhour.wordpress.com. If you have a minute check it out! (Mom, if you do pleeease don't freak out when you read about the accident!) Christian and I decided to have Thai food for Christmas dinner so we caught a flight to Bangkok from where I'm writing you now. I think it's time to head back into the streets to do little more snacking and "window shopping". If anybody needs any obscure items (maybe a vertebrate necklace? stolen iPod? microscopic Kama Sutra figurine?) let us know- I'm pretty sure if you can imagine it it's for sale somewhere in Bangkok.

Again, Merry Christmas and if we don't get to you before... Happy New Year!

XO, Emily



hello friends and family! so here's some text to along with the 12/7/09 photos... and some more photos. well shit lets see, last time we talked we had just taken a scooter out to uluwatu. So since then we have adjusted to the scooter transport, its like three bucks a day and after rigorous testing you can literally drive them anywhere. Exploring is one of our biggest hobbies these days. So, sometime we zig when we should have zagged and end up tree miles down a limestone goat trail. "durable" just doesn't quite give these little vehicles enough credit. Anyways,...so yeah we headed back out to uluwatu with our new travel buds Marius and Eiric(im sure i screwed that up) the Norwegians and hung there for a few days in these sweet cottages. The family raised fighting cocks, so we had abrupt awakenings and long days to explore southern bali in search of waves. oh yeah and Emily got four stitches in her arm and has spent the last week reluctantly taking it easy on the beach. I wasn't supposed to tell you that....but..shes back at the hotel in the pool and i had to let you know. sorry em! :) Words alone are a poor paintbrush when it comes to this story...so im sorry you will have to wait till we are eye to eye. But i can tell you know that she is doing much better and it is one we will never forget. ha sorry for the clincher. Dr. Christian taking out Emily's stitches.

ok what else..what else. oh we went to this unbelievable Hindu temple on these cliffs in southern bali and watched a fire dance. that was pretty cool, the fact there was monkeys all over the place was pretty rad to. this one fat ass monkey stole this Japanese guys wallet and shook the contents off a three hundred foot cliff to crashing waves. it was a sight.....;) One super sketchy bridge...

we came back to kuta for a day and than headed out to this little island about an hour and a half by traditional boat off the coast of bali called lombongon. this little island produced the majority of the worlds edible seaweed. thats not why we went there its just a little factoid for ya. this place was one of the most beautiful places i have ever had the pleasure to explore. 4 people, 2 scooters and snorkel gear. soooo sweet. and now we are back in kuta surfing for a few days before we head out to ubud and check out the teared rice patties. thats about all i get for ya. love you all.